Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Making the TIE-fighter (Part 3)

TIE Fighter (Part 3)

The base model has been completed and in this section a go around the ship adding finer details where i deem necessary. During this I weighed the pro's and con's of adding finer detail as this increased the poly count exponentially. For panels and pipes it was decided to create the panel using a simple extrude and then texture the final details over the top.
 As shown below you can see two later pods below the ship. This was added as in my animation i plan on having a close up of the guns firing where this extra detail would be needed however instead of adding further details I will be adding it via textures and materials.
 The two reference images linked in the previous post i used to add finer detail where possible, in both images i could see a section that bulged out the back of the TIE Fighter and joining lines and panels at the top.
Shown above is the finished model of my TIE Fighter that i will be using in my final presentation.
I would determine that my model is close in accuracy to a TIE fighter that would be used in the star wars films, excluding unnecessary extra detail that will not be seem in my animation so I decided not to include it.

The wings could have been done better by making the wings out of one shape rather than building it using multiple shapes as this may have saved on the poly count by removing unseen sides and extras.

The Techniques i mainly used were Extruding, scaling, moving and resizing to create the basic shape of the model before i then created extra devisions to then add finer detail where it was needed. 
Initially I found it difficult to create the front window as I was not able to create the bezel around it as you can see in my first post. However learning from my mistakes I was able to more accurately create it the second time around.

The struts on the wings were the best looking section in my opinion as I like the way it is formed and shaped, making it look like it has come outwards of the body.

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